About CIQC
Founded in 2020 by Dan Stamper-Kurn, CIQC is a research institute dedicated to addressing the fundamental challenges of building the quantum computer. CIQC spans quantum information science researchers at seven research universities. Our center of gravity is in California. The University of California, Berkeley, serves as the lead institution.
The administration of the CIQC is nested within the Center for Coherent Quantum Science (CQCS(link is external)) at UC Berkeley and the Center for Quantum Science and Engineering (CQSE(link is external)) at UCLA.
We have leadership, researchers, and research coordinators from the following institutions:
A central goal of our partnerships with the Simons Institute and Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) is to accelerate the expansion of quantum computer science. These partnerships are supported by about 20% of the requested budget and established both institutes as the premier international centers for quantum computer science and applied mathematics.