Research overview
Quantum Algorithms
Research on the quantum algorithm challenge aims to clarify the advantages that quantum information processing holds over classical computation, both as a fundamental question of complexity and resources, and also for practical application. Our specific aims are (1) to develop novel quantum algorithms for future fault-tolerant hardware, (2) to develop alternative quantum computing paradigms that are suited to more limited computing resources, and (3) to extend the impact of quantum computation on classical computer science.
Quantum Advantage
Research on quantum advantage challenge aims to verify advantages for quantum computers over classical ones, within an expanding range of computing platforms and computational tasks. Our specific aims in addressing this challenge are (1) to develop protocols for rigorously verifiable quantum advantage, (2) to refine the connection between noise and error models and computational capacity, and (3) to exploit one of the most valuable applications of NISQ computing, which is the advancement of physical science through quantum simulation.
Scaling Quantum Systems
We are investigating the role of noise in experiments seeking to demonstrate quantum supremacy for calculations on current noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) computers, as well as development of certification and verification methods for such calculations, design of quantum algorithms robust to noise, and potential demonstrations of quantum advantage in simulation of chemical and physical problems.
When and how can a quantum advantage be found in quantum simulations? We are exploring the question as to when an advantage emerges in quantum emulations of simulations for many-body systems, with a holistic approach employing AMO experiments combined with optoelectronic engineering to improve local control and scalability, and quantum inspired classical algorithms from AMO and condensed matter physics, leveraging inputs from quantum information theory and complexity theory.
Addressing these challenges requires a multidisciplinary approach. To this end, we have established interdisciplinary and multi-institutional working groups to target several key research topics.
Research on the scaling quantum systems challenge has the specific aim of utilizing AMO research on the scaling quantum systems challenge has the specific aim of utilizing AMO-based quantum technologies, including advances in optical engineering, to realize improved modularity, high-fidelity operation and classical control within quantum systems of increasing size and complexity, deriving generalized approaches to scaling up quantum information processors.