Quantum Day

Quantum Day Spring 2024

April 19, 2024

Quantum Day is intended to give high school physics students a glimpse into quantum physics and how the physics concepts they are studying in their classes relates to the research CIQC PIs and grad students conduct. The program's main purpose is to get high schoolers interested in physics. Our pilot program was with local high schools Mt. Diablo and Bayhill High School. 

We aim to support and inspire URM students within this demographic who typically thrive with personal attention and new career ideas when offered job ideas that may traditionally not be prominent in their community. Beside a rudimentary introduction to quantum computing and the areas of study that support quantum computation, our goal is to simply introduce ideas about what they can achieve, outside of what the underfunding and sometimes untrained high school physics teachers can provide.

Special thanks to Justin Philipps, Qian Yu, Niccolo Fiaschi, Matthew Carl Cambria, and Tai Xiang for giving lab tours.